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Why You Should Vacuum First Before Carpet Cleaning

If you are someone who likes to deep clean regularly, then it makes sense for you to vacuum first before carpet cleaning. Why? Vacuuming can remove soil from the carpeting (as well as upholstery) that could potentially damage your valuable investment and increase its maintenance costs.

However, other benefits are associated with vacuuming before professional carpet cleaning services. Read on to know more.

To Remove Soil First

Vacuuming first removes dirt and debris before carpet cleaning, so you don’t have to clean twice and get double the results. This may seem common sense—clean up before you clean—but many people skip this step because they think it’s unnecessary or their vacuum will do fine without pre-vacuum work. If you don’t know how to vacuum of clean properly, you can also hire a residential carpet cleaning service in south Auckland.

To Loosen the Deeply Embedded Soil

While vacuuming, you’re removing dirt and debris from the carpet fibres. This is necessary to ensure that your cleaning process can be done as efficiently and effectively as possible. However, another important reason for first vacuuming is loosening the deeply embedded soil.

When you vacuum first, it loosens the soil within your carpet fibres so that it’s better able to be removed by your deep cleanings like steam cleaning or shampooing.

This means that when you do shampoo or steam clean after vacuuming, you have less embedded dirt left behind in your carpets because they have already been cleaned by a vacuum beforehand!

Avoid Wicking

As you’re cleaning, be sure to use a vacuum that has high suction. A good one will be able to pull even liquid out of the fibres of your carpet and help prevent wicking.

Wicking is when water spreads through your carpet, causing mould and mildew to grow in areas where it dries or sits for long periods. Mould spores are dangerous because they can cause health problems ranging from allergies to asthma attacks in people who would otherwise be healthy if they weren’t exposed to these types of agents regularly.

If you have children who play on your flooring often, make sure that you check for moisture regularly and clean up any spills as soon as possible using an absorbent cloth like paper towels or an old towel that can be disposed of afterwards without creating any additional waste products at home.

Avoid Emptying the Extractor Tank Multiple Times

One of the biggest reasons to vacuum first is to avoid emptying the extractor tank multiple times. This can be a real pain, especially if you’re dealing with an older carpet cleaner or one that was not built for frequent emptying. The benefits of doing it all at once are obvious: saving time and money by completing the job in one go, avoiding the hassle of cleaning up the area again (which means making fewer trips back and forth), etc.

To Avoid Spreading of Soil

Vacuuming first before carpet cleaning is the best way to avoid spreading soil. When you vacuum first, you will remove dried and wet soil from your carpets and then use your carpet cleaner to clean the carpets thoroughly. This way, there will be no leftover dirt or other particles left in the fibres of the carpeting that can attract more soil when vacuuming in between cleanings.

This action also prevents dust mites from multiplying on your carpets because they thrive on dead skin cells and bits of food found in soiled areas such as beds and floors. Dust mites also like warm places with high humidity, which makes them thrive even more when left uncleaned for long periods. Still, if you regularly use steam cleaners or hot water extraction methods for cleaning at home, then this won’t be an issue!


If you want to clean fresh carpets, you must take the time to vacuum them first. There are many benefits of doing this. We hope the above reasons helped you understand the logic behind vacuuming first.